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5 Major Hurdles and Solutions in Adopting SAP Fiori after S/4HANA Implementation

Organizations that have implemented SAP S/4HANA often find themselves caught in an interesting paradox: Even after transitioning to this robust and versatile enterprise management solution, they continue to utilize the traditional SAP Graphical User Interface (GUI) instead of shifting to SAP’s recommended Fiori User Interface (UI)/User Experience (UX). After detailed consultations and interactions with numerous organizations, I’ve isolated five principal reasons for this apparent reluctance.

1. Lack of Intention and Push from Management

Top-level executives and decision-makers in many organizations still perceive SAP Fiori as an optional “nice-to-have” upgrade rather than a necessary strategic tool. Due to other competing priorities and a perceived lack of urgency, they often do not spearhead or actively advocate the shift.

Solution: Creating a sense of urgency is crucial. Management needs to understand that SAP Fiori is not just a cosmetic enhancement—it’s a strategic tool for improved productivity, streamlined processes, and an enriched user experience. They should be convinced of the tangible business value Fiori offers, like real-time analytics and role-based dashboards that foster better decision-making.

2. Power Users’ Attachment to SAP GUI

Power users, who often manage several different tasks and transactions, may have a particular affinity for the SAP GUI. They have become experts at navigating its complexities and appreciate having access to everything on one screen. With Fiori’s role-based approach, these power users sometimes view the transition as a hurdle rather than a benefit. Moreover, these power users can influence larger user groups, propagating their resistance to change.

Solution: Managing the perceptions and preferences of power users requires a strategic approach. They need to understand that while Fiori does offer a role-based design, it is not restrictive. On the contrary, it empowers users with a more intuitive, streamlined, and efficient way to manage tasks. Fiori’s ability to integrate various tasks and processes into a single, user-friendly dashboard could be showcased to appeal to power users. Additionally, their feedback should be incorporated during the transition phase, which will make them feel valued and more likely to advocate for the new system.

3. Migrating Custom Solutions

Companies often rely heavily on custom applications designed to work with the SAP GUI. These specialized applications can present a significant challenge when considering the transition to the Fiori UI.

Solution: A shift in approach is necessary. Organizations should view the migration of custom solutions to a modern user interface like Fiori as an integral part of the S/4HANA implementation, rather than an afterthought or a separate project. Planning for this migration early in the implementation process allows for better resource allocation and a smoother transition overall.

During this process, it’s important to understand that not all custom applications may need to be migrated at once. A phased approach can be adopted, starting with applications that will benefit most from Fiori’s features. Over time, more complex applications can be reworked and optimized for the new interface.

Post-implementation, an extensive review should be carried out to identify any issues or potential areas for further improvement. This iterative approach allows for continuous refinement and optimization, leading to a more efficient system overall.

4. Lack of Expertise and Knowledge in SAP Fiori

Many organizations perceive that they lack the necessary in-house technical expertise and knowledge to switch to SAP Fiori.

Solution: Investing in training and upskilling the existing SAP team should be a top priority. If necessary, seek assistance from an external SAP Fiori expert or consultant to guide the initial implementation and training. Online resources and SAP’s extensive training materials are also valuable learning tools.

5. Notion of Insufficient Apps to Cover All Processes

There’s a common belief that Fiori does not have enough apps to cover all the processes, which can be a reasonable complaint in some cases.

Solution: It’s important to clarify that SAP Fiori isn’t just about the apps; it’s about a new, improved way of working. Additionally, at the time of writing, I saw the number was 14371 on the Fiori App Library(not all of them are Fiori apps maybe ) , a number that continues to grow. A detailed audit can help companies identify their specific app needs and find or create suitable Fiori apps.

The transition to SAP Fiori isn’t simply about adopting a new UI/UX—it’s about embracing a more efficient, user-friendly, and data-driven way of conducting business. By understanding and addressing these common obstacles, organizations can make a smooth transition to SAP Fiori and unlock its full potential. As SAP consultants, it is our role to guide them on this journey and aid them in overcoming these hurdles.